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In China
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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Sorry I didn't post yesterday. It was a travel day and we didn't get to the hotel in Guangzhou until after midnight. Our flight was supposed to leave at 7:40pm but got delayed by over two hours. We were stuck at the airport along with seven other families. We had fun keeping all the children under control! We love our group and will truly miss them when we return back home.

Our hotel here in Guangzhou is really nice. And the breakfast buffet is even more amazing! My favorite part is that we got to reunite with all the families that went to different provinces than us. It's so neat to see them all with their new children. After breakfast we left the boys with my in laws and headed to Hope's medical appointment. It was pure chaos. First we had to get each of their visa photos taken and Hope looked so sad in hers. Then we waited in a long line to go through three different rooms. First room was weight and height. She fought the nurses and didn't want to stand on the scale. She is a feisty little girl and instead of crying fought us all.

Then it was off to the ENT room. While we were in there another little boy from our group was rushed in to see the doctor with a bloody nose. It was a scary few minutes but he was alright. Then the last room was an evaluation of her whole body and a listen to her lungs and heart. Everything looked really good.

After the appointment we headed back to the hotel. We had to catch a quick lunch so we ate at the McDonald's across from the hotel. It was surprisingly good!

We had our laundry picked up from our room, because we all have run out of clothes to wear at this point. I then went down for a paperwork meeting.

We went through all the paperwork and put everything together for her consulate appointment on Tuesday. The Kids worked on a bit of homework and then went swimming. The weather here is pretty similar to Florida weather.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention over the last day she has turned in to a mama's girl. She will let Steve hold her as long as I'm not around. As soon as she sees me she wants me to hold her. This made the plane ride last night really interesting. Please pray that she opens her heart to her Baba (daddy) because I'm going to need his help on the way home!

Tomorrow we have a free day and may try and venture out to Shamian island!

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