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In China
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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Today we got to do a little sightseeing. We visited the Yellow Crane Tower which is well known in this area.

We got to sleep a little later this morning. Hope slept until almost 8 am and we had to wake her up. We had a rough time again getting her to sleep and she finally gave in for Steve and slept soundly in the crib all night. We left the hotel at 10.

The Yellow Crane tower is set upon a hill with the city surrounding it on all sides. There was also a very large bell that you could ring for 30 Yuan. One of the guys in our group rang it. The Crane tower was five stories high and we couldn't use the elevator. It was quite the hike up but the view from the top was breathtaking! We were able to get a few souvenirs from the park.

Hope is doing quite good. She is coming to both Steve and I. Loves playing with the kids. Doesn't mind the front pack and loves the stroller. She was a little nervous and wouldn't walk when we first got to the park but at the end she was ready to walk around. She is very sweet but when she doesn't want to do something she will let you know. When we got back to the room the kids played with her while Steve went out to get lunch. I fed her some noodles which she devoured. I tried to get her to sleep but she fought it and Steve walked back in with lunch. She finally went down around 2 pm and slept a couple of hours. She sleeps very soundly. Zoe and I took a nap too. Now we are trying to figure out our dinner plans for the night. Tomorrow we will visit the orphanage. Even though she was never there it will be nice to see it and hopefully see a friends daughter.


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