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In China
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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Thanks to everyone that has signed our guestbook. We love reading all the comments and well wishes each morning.

Today was our last full day in Beijing. We are all finally adjusting to the time change. We are really enjoying the company of all the families that we are here with in Beijing.

We met our guide at 830 am. Our first stop was Tiananmen square. This is a vast open square with lots of history. There were lots of people gathered in the square. Chairman Mao's picture can be seen on one end of the square with the Forbidden City in the background. We took a group photo on the square. We got lucky and the water show was going on at front of the entrance.

Steve has a coworker who now works in Beijing and he met us at the entrance of Forbidden City and went on the tour with us. The kids had lots of fun with their new friends while the parents tried to listen to some of the history of the Forbidden city. The size of it is massive with more than 9995 rooms. Most of the rooms were for the mistresses for the Emperor. Lots of history in China and every step, statue and architecture has meaning.

We ate another amazing lunch. The food seemed to keep coming. The kids got a bit grossed out when they brought a fish out with the head and tail still on the plate. Zoe had no problem digging in.

Lastly we visited a silk factory and learned how they collected the silk from a silkworm. It was amazing to see how it's done.

Now we are back in the room packing up our bags for our trip to Hope's province tomorrow!

Less than two days!

Our family at Tiananmen square

Tiananmen square

Architecture at Forbidden City

The Massive grounds of the Forbidden city

The fish from lunch

The different stages of the silkworm

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