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In China
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Friday, November 7, 2014

Today we met up with all the other Holt families that are touring Beijing. We are still suffering from jet lag and were all up at 530 in the morning. We met our group in the lobby at 8 am. First stop was the Great Wall. This was the same part of the Great Wall that we seen when we were here for Zoe's adoption. When we arrived Conor notified us that the battery in his pump was beeping and he needed a new battery. So the search was on. At the same time Parker told us that he had a really bad headache again. Finally we found a battery and some meds for Parker. The climb was everything I remembered from before. It is probably the hardest physical things I've done. I happy to say (Thanks to Susan) that I made it further than I did the last time. The way down is even scarier, and more so with kids in tow. We finally made it down to the bottom when Parker started getting worse. We were able to give him something stronger but it took a long time to help. He was finally feeling better when we were at lunch.

Lunch was at a Jade factory. Again we had another great lunch with lots of food. Afterwards we found out more about Jade and Zoe got a pair of purple Jade earrings.

After eating lunch we headed to Hutong lane for tours. We were pulled by a bicycle two by two through old Beijing. It was interesting to see the way people lived in that area. We stopped at a families house and got to look around. It was a four generation house. The current family has a five year old daughter.

We returned back to the hotel and the kids wanted to swim. The water was cold so it didn't last long.

We are now back in the room doing laundry and working on Homework.

Tomorrow is our last full day in Beijing. Less than three days and we have Hope!

Family on the Great Wall

Zoe & I posing with a soldier

Chase mastering the chopsticks

Robin & Susan

Steve & Zoe

Conor & Parker

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