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In China
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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Today was another full day of tours! It was a very long day. Especially since some of us are still suffering from the jet lag and time change. Chase was up most of the night walking around and at one point was doing his homework in the wee hours of the morning.

After another great Buffet breakfast we met our guide in the lobby at 900. Today was a little bit colder than the day before. The sky is still clear and blue, which is really unusual for Beijing. Our first stop was the Temple of Heaven. Parker was especially excited about this because last year he had done a report on it. Surrounding the exterior there were lots of people exercising, singing, dancing and playing cards. Our guide says the retirement community comes here to spend their days visiting with friends. We were also reprimanded again more times than I can count because the boys were wearing shorts again.

The Temple of Heaven was where the Emperor once came to worship to the God of Heaven. It is made from all wood. The artwork and architecturoue are amazing. We walked through several different areas and ended where there is a stone called The center of Heaven stone which is suppose to Echo when a person stands on it and speaks. Chase, Susan and Robin fought the crowds to stand on the stone.

Next we visited a pearl market where they have freshwater clams. The lady did a demonstration and had each person guess how many pearls were in each clam. Chase got the closest with a guess of 20. The were all different beautiful colors. She gave each of the kids a pearl from the clam. We also chose a set of pearls for our new daughter Hope and a set of earrings. We bought Zoe's pearls at the same place five years ago.

We ate lunch next and had more food than we knew what to do with. Conor decided to try many of the dishes and agreed the food here is nothing like the food back home.

We then headed out the Summer Palace. Which is a beautiful palace set around a large lake. Last time we were here the lake was frozen. The artwork was once again amazing. The boys all climbed to the top of the mountain for some more pictures while we girls waited on the bottom. Conor took some amazing pictures from the top. At the exit we bought each of the kids artwork with their names painted on it. It was amazing watching her paint each letter using an animal or flower to represent the letter.

Then we headed back to town to meet up with Susan whom I met through Zoe's adoption. She was the one who matched us with Zoe. Steve and I met her for dinner last time we were in Beijing and also saw her at a Chinese New years festival that she visited while in Portland. We had an amazing visit. First we walked around her neighborhood, then we went with her to pick up her daughter from school. Her daughter Ying Ying and Zoe connected immediately. We then went back and seen their home. It had two bedrooms, a small kitchen, bathroom and a closed in backyard. It was really neat being able to see inside.

We had a great time visiting and hearing about Susan's work with different orphanages. We ended the night with an amazing dinner with them at a Dumpling restaurant. Her mother joined us for dinner also. The food was once again delicious! Zoe and Ying Ying hugged each other several times goodbye, it was such a cute thing to watch.

We got back to the hotel late and the internet was not working well so hence the late update. Tomorrow is the Great Wall!

Kids in front of Temple of Heaven

Center of Heaven Stone

Pictures taken by Conor from the top of the Mountain at Summer Palace

Ying Ying and Zoe playing in her room

Susan, Ying Ying and her mother Grace choosing the food from the menu for us


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