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About Caroline

Chinese Name
Mei LanFeng

Birth date
June 29, 2008

Meizhou City, Guangdong

Caroline is waiting in
Meizhou Social Welfare Institute

Our Caroline Mei was born Mei LanFeng on June 29, 2008 in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, China. The first information we received about Caroline was minimal but enough to give us little glimpses of her personality. She ate rice cereal 3 times a day with milk and she had a good appetite and was not choosy on food. She is active, outgoing, and curious. She laughs when she is happy and she likes to be cuddled by caretakers. After deciding to name our baby Caroline, we looked up the meaning of her name. “Caroline” means little and strong. That is what our daughter is; very little yet apparently very strong. Her middle name, Mei, comes from the city where she was born, Meizhou. “Mei” also means flower. Caroline is our strong little flower.

“Love is what connects us all,
God lets us falter but never fall.
Our long awaited journey is coming to an end,
You’re waiting for us just around the bend.
Angels watch you through the night,
Yours is the star that shines so bright.
Soon we can see your smiling face,
And hold you tight in our loving embrace.
We’ve loved you forever our Caroline Mei,
And can’t wait to see you that one special day!”
~Shannon Stephens

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