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August 5, 2006  |  August 29, 2006  |  October 20, 2006  |  January 22, 2007  |  April 24, 2007

Saturday, August 5, 2006

We made it!!!!!! And our luggage made it!!!! :) Yippeeeee!!!! We left Hong Kong on our very delayed flight (there were cheers all around when they finally announced our flight would be boarding) and made it safely to Chicago, and then hopped on yet another VERY delayed flight to make it finally home to Dayton late, late last night. The kids and Daddy were there to greet us at the airport and we could hear ‘em even before we could see ‘em!!! Lily got a glimpse of us coming around the corner and started yelling to Jack and Hannah, “I can see them! I can see them!” And as we rounded the bend, we saw Hannah jumping up and down, and Daddy with Jack and Lil, all with faces beaming and big, big smiles on their faces. They had their toes right on the “DO NOT CROSS” line and were just itchin’ to get their hands on Gracie. It was so good to see them again and give them big bear hugs and cover them with kisses.

Gracie had a great flight…she slept for all but two hours on the overseas flight, and then played happily for the short second flight. Give that girl some kitkats, potato chips and a safety instruction brochure and she is good to go. The flights themselves were very good….the only hiccup being that someone unfortunately threw up right in the baggage area on the way to immigrations, so passing their puddle was completely unavoidable. For those of you who know about my throw-up phobia, you can imagine what a welcome home that was for me. :) Luckily there was no line to immigrations, so we could pass it in a hurry. Gracie became officially registered as a new US Citizen, and I wish I had a picture of it, but they said I couldn’t take one. :(

She was a little overwhelmed with all the hugs and kisses and attention at the airport, but was a good sport. We stayed up until after 3am opening up all the presents that we brought home for the kids and so everyone is extremely groggy today, but it was a wonderful homecoming…..we had balloons and banners to welcome us home along with gifts and cookies that friends had dropped off. What a welcome home!

This morning, Gracie got some movie time in with her siblings (who spent much more time watching her instead of their new dvd), and has started smiling at her brother and sisters. She even went up to Jack and Lily and said, “Bao!” (Carry me!) and has been giggling with them when they tickle her. We knew they would win her over quickly. We do have to keep reminding them to back off a bit as all three love to get right up in her face and cover her with kisses and try to get her to laugh or eat treats or whatever they can do to interact with her. It reminds us of birthday parties where the party guests love to crowd the birthday boy/girl as they open their presents. Except Gracie is The Present! She is not too sure what to think of the dogs, but for now, I think she prefers that they just stay in the basement.

And now for the really great news…..my flat iron has roared back to life!!!!! I said a little prayer and plugged it in, and bing! The light turned on, the iron got hot! :) Yeah!!!! Good hair days are here again.

It looks like a Chinese souvenir bomb went off in our living room and we still haven’t managed to get in showers or even brush our teeth, but we are so happy to be at home, all together again. We’ve looked forward to bringing Gracie home for so long; it’s wonderful to see it finally come true. Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us and supporting us. We love you!!! We’ll keep updating the blog from time to time to let you know how things are going back here. Thanks for coming along on our Journey to Grace and keeping us company….with love from John and Lisa, Jack, Lily, Hannah and ………………..GRACE!!!!!!

This mother hen is so happy to see her chicks again!!!!

Gracie with her brother and sisters

Spontaneous Slumber party in the new
Chinese duds to celebrate Gracie's homecoming

Hannah is drunk with love

Looks like Gracie was the only one camera ready!
And to think it was so hard to get a decent picture with just three kids...four will be impossible!

Look at my big foot! Yep, I'm fitting in just fine. :)

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