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We started gathering all our documents and information that we would need to start the adoption process in January 2006. The process seemed incredibly daunting at first, but I had the gift of an unofficial “personal adoption consultant”, in my good friend Stefanie, who adopted last year and was the seed of inspiration for our family! She was a wealth of knowledge and support, and we could not have done any of this as easily, quickly, and stress-free as it turned out to be, were it not for her and her endless patience with all my phone calls. Stefanie and Chris had adopted again this year, and strongly recommended their agency, Lifeline Children’s Services, which became the agency through which God brought us Grace. Karla, our social worker at Lifeline, also held our hands through the entire process, fielding my many, many emails.

We needed to collect new birth certificates, marriage certificates, letters of reference, medical reports, employment verifications, State criminal background checks, FBI background checks, child abuse registry reports, fingerprinting, income statements, write nurture plans and autobiographies, get a fire inspection done, and read oodles of material for both the homestudy and the adoption agency. Because I was born in Canada, it looked as though finding my birth certificate and then getting it certified and authenticated would be the most stressful part of the entire process. As I started to freak out over this, Stefanie pointed me to Pam Eidson, who ran a dossier service out of Florida and was an absolute gift from Heaven. She took immeasurable stress off of me and I could go back to just a normal level of excitement and minor chaos.

We went through our homestudy, and then the nail biting process of waiting on the USCIS to process our application to adopt an orphan, all the while waiting on news from China that we had received our PreApproval to come and adopt Grace.

Lisa sewing a new blanket for sweet Gracie

The girls take turns trying out Gracie's new bed

Stefanie, my personal adoption consultant
There were a few bumps along the way…mostly just worries and fears that never came to pass (such as the worry that my fingerprints would not pass muster since they have been practically erased from all my years of blowdrying my hair and housework and dishes, dishes, dishes or that one of the kids would blurt out something inappropriate during the homestudy)….but all in all, it was a smooth process, marked by days of incredible celebration when another milestone would be passed or something we had long awaited came in the mail or via the email. Each time we saw a new picture of Grace, we would be thrilled and sad and anxious and happy all at the same time. Two huge days of celebration were when we received our 171 in the mail from the USCIS, the last document needed to complete our dossier to send to China (that prompted a dessert free-for-all at one of my favorite Oakwood restaurants, Central Perc, with my good friend Beth), and also the day when our Travel Approval finally arrived in the mail…June 19, 2006! This was our official invitation from China to come and get Grace. We have been busy, waiting for Grace, but the goal of bringing our sweet girl home is always on the forefront of our minds and fills our hearts with the motivation to keep on going and pressing ahead!

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