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Trip to China
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Friday, October 31, 2008

Today was pretty low-key and uneventful. We were all in recovery mode after the long trip, and aside from a brief journey to the Carrefour (Chinese equivalent of Wal-Mart) we pretty much rested in the room. Sherry, our Beijing guide, met us in the lobby after breakfast and briefed us on what to expect for the touring tomorrow. Evidently they are planning to keep us very busy all day and she wanted us to be prepared. After a rather impressive hotel breakfast buffet we headed down to the Carrefour and picked up some staples (aka Diet Coke!) Only they call it Coke Light here and it tastes a little strange. After that we ate lunch at the hotel since we didn’t have Sherry with us to navigate the ones down the street and menus are only in Chinese. We headed back to the room to take a brief (ha!) nap before heading out again.

The plan was to rest for a couple of hours and then meet for some sightseeing and dinner. However, everyone overslept and we never actually left the room again. In fact, we laid down around 3 and it’s almost 7 now. Holt is still sleeping and probably will continue to do so until morning. You can see from the pic he is pretty wiped out. Hopefully he will catch up on his sleep since tomorrow will be a very long tiring day for us all.

In front of our hotel

Ange and Holt at the hotel

Me Me and Pa at the hotel
(aka Nai Nai and YehYeh)

Chinese Wal Mart

On the streets of Beijing

Wiped out!

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