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Trip to China
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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Well, we finally made it to Beijing!! We left home around 6:45 Atlanta time on Wednesday the 29th and we are finally in Beijing, at 11:30 Thursday night (China time). We made it to the airport in Atlanta with plenty of time to spare, which was fortunate since it took us quite awhile to get through security. It turns out the more clothing you wear the more you have to take off (coats, shoes and belts for all) and the more bags you pack the more you have to UNPACK in order for them to inspect. And anyone who knows the Hornbuckles knows that between the 5 of us we had quite a few bags. But we survived the ordeal and managed to make it onto the plane in plenty of time. We arrived in Detroit in a few hours and then caught a flight to Tokyo, Japan which seemed to last forever. I can honestly say that was the longest 13 hours of my life and I’m pretty sure everyone else would agree. But we did eventually make it to Tokyo and then on to Beijing, where we can get some much needed rest, hopefully.

We have a free day tomorrow before the rest of the group joins us, so probably there will be some exploring and shopping in our future after we recover from travel. We discovered quite by accident that Jamie and I can still receive e-mail messages on our blackberries, so if anyone e-mails us directly we can reply from there. By the way, to avoid confusion for the AWAA families following along, when I refer to Jamie it is my husband and any reference to Larry will be regarding my father-in-law. They are both Larry James and it gets confusing at times since Jamie does go by Larry at work. Not many exciting pictures to post at this point, but I’ll give it a shot. Note the squatty potty at the Beijing airport- I tried to convince MeMe to practice on that one since no doubt we will encounter some in places where we won’t have a choice but to use them. She wasn’t going for it, though. Holt volunteered to demonstrate for photos but we declined his offer. You can thank us later.

After 23 hours of travel

Our first squatty potty

View from the plane

Our room at last

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