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It's Leah

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, December 1, 2009. It starts as such a normal day. Ryann is finishing lunch, and I go check email quickly. Yeah!!! There are 2 emails from our agency with 2 girls’ files to look at. I grab the phone and call Aron. He’s going to come home… this is too much to figure out over the phone. We open the first email, and there is Guo Yin Feng! Is this our daugther? I dunno?! A quick scan of her pictures and medical and developmental reports, then on to the next email. This little one is precious as well, but we just don’t feel that she is Leah. It’s a good thing that we don’t feel torn between two, because just figuring out what to do with one is hard enough. By the way, where’s Ryann? Oh, playing quietly, thank you love. Back to Yin Feng. There is something about her, but is she Leah? This is the hardest decision ~ ever! God… we’ll take that neon sign now! Isn’t it Ryann’s naptime? Okay, now where were we? Oh yeah, is this Leah? I dunno?! We have about 3 hours to let the doctor read over her file, get back to us and discuss, and write a Letter of Intent to email to our agency if we want to adopt her. What? 3 hours! Relax Jenn, we just need to write the letter in case we decide she’s the one, because they need time to have it translated into Chinese. We have all the way until tomorrow to decide for sure. Oh, phew! Wait… 28 hours? Is it just me, or is this crazy?! We forward her file to Pittsburgh’s expert doctor in the area of medical issues in International Adoption. And so the next 3 hours we spend on the phone with the doctor (in which she feels very good about her… just an isolated issue with the leg/foot, and not part of a syndrome… good sign right?), praying, on the phone with friends begging for more prayers, praying on the phone with family (Kate… you’re awesome!), and am I missing anything? Oh yeah, more praying! We decide to write the Letter of Intent, knowing that we still have loads of time to make a final decision. Oh wait, no we don’t. Isn’t Kyra going to be getting off the bus soon? Our neighbor Cristen to the rescue! Back to praying! Wait… is naptime over already? Okay, now Kyra and Ryann are looking with us, and they like her… is that a sign? Can we please just fast forward!!!

Okay, I’ll stop the comedic recap. You’re welcome! But I know we probably looked like a 3-ring circus to God, and anyone else around us. We were over complicating the whole thing. The funny thing is, now that I’m writing this with hindsight, I think we did know, but we were so caught up in the fast timing and specifics, that it was too hard for us to know that we knew. It felt like such a huge decision. She was in essence, a total stranger. But after relaxing and sleeping, we actually let our agency know first thing in the morning, not even taking the full time… how’s that for irony. I would love to say that as soon as we saw her, the angels were singing and we knew, and then we popped the champagne! But that’s not true. We definitely felt drawn to her, but our heads were spinning. I think the bottom line is that there was nothing that felt wrong about her. I’m sure God was kind of chuckling at us, because He knew this was Leah, and He knew that we knew deep down, but we couldn’t totally see it yet. I honestly don’t know how anyone can do this without having Christ in the center! He’s the only one who got us through that crazy day. And now… all I can say is that I now chuckle thinking back to that day, because where I once saw a stranger and a question mark, I now see my daughter, period! No doubt and no regret. And we haven’t even met her yet!

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