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We had determined that the adoptive process in the States is a complicated affair. We were afraid of the "worst case scenarios" that make headlines (including a recent case in our own mid-sized Midwestern city). The thought of loving and parenting a child that could be taken away from us was more than we were prepared to handle. At the time, the anonymity of international adoption was a comfort to us. Chinese birthmothers, we learned, are generally healthy and usually do not have substance abuse problems, the babies are "left in order to be found" and the adoption process is straightforward and free of corruption. Plus, the Chinese system requires only one trip to China, and the adoption is finalized in China (as long as both adoptive parents travel and complete the paperwork there). We knew in our hearts that we could not have done the "two trip" adoption process that South American and Eastern European countries require. Once that baby is in our arms, she's going to be with us forever! We couldn't hold her and then leave her, and make that trip again. These were some of the issues that led us to the Chinese adoptive process.

Scores of books have been written on the "one child" policies of China. There is also a strong gender preference for boys in China (as they take care of their parents in their old age while a girl would help take care of her husband's parents) and many books have been written on this issue also. The fact remains that there are thousands and thousands of children in Chinese orphanages awaiting their "forever families." We're thrilled beyond words that we were chosen to as Katie's "forever family."

Now, with our referral in hand, we are preparing for the journey of our lifetime. We’re all learning more about the beautiful country of China, it’s many provinces and it’s lovely people. We are thrilled to bring Dong Guo Guo, Daughter of China, into our family!

An Orphan’s Prayer
I am waiting…somewhere far…far…away on the other side of the world.
I may not know who you are or what you look like,
But somehow deep in my heart I know you are out there.
That one day you will come and find me,
It’s a long journey, and it takes a lot of time…
I wish it could be easier.
But I know that the ones who come for me will not count the cost.
They will only see the joy of finding me.
For now I abide in the fields of the fatherless.
Day by day wondering why I was born here and not somewhere else? Asking…why my life couldn’t have been different?
It is so lonely…
Even though I am surrounded by hundreds of other children,
I know that something is missing…
I know in my heart I need a place to call home.
My arms long to be wrapped in a father’s embrace…
I long to be saved by a mother’s love…
Gazing out the orphanage window, I offer a prayer of hope,
“Oh God please help them come quickly.”
Even as I lay in the darkness each night somehow I feel assured,
That no matter how lost I appear, I am not alone.
Holy hands guard my steps; sacred fingers wipe my tears, touching my lonely heart. The one who made me,
The God that knew me before I was born,
Hears me every time I call.
He whispers His promises in my ear.
I listen with hope to His voice.
But what I worry about most is that no one wants to look for me.
The fields are vast and there are so many scattered all over the earth.
I wonder how one little child, so lost, can be found?
Yet He calms my heart and assures me that He will find you.
That He will make sure that you hear His voice clearly.
He has promised me that He will make a way through the fields,
That He will personally cut a path, and lead you right to my orphanage door.
My prayer is… When He speaks…Please don’t forget to listen…
When He calls, don’t be afraid to go
For I am waiting…somewhere, far…far…away
On the other side of the world
To come Home.

(From “Small Blessings”, All God’s Children International magazine, 2006
 -- no author was listed)

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