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We're Home
“There is no institution more vital to our nation’s survival than the American family. Here the seeds of personal character are planted, the roots of public virtue first nourished. Through love and instruction, discipline, guidance, and example, we learn from our mothers and fathers the values that will shape our private lives and our public citizenship.”  -Ronald Reagan
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

I am so sorry that it has taken so long to update the website! Things have been so crazy here with trying to get life to normal, unpacking – packing – unpacking again, vacation, and school starting next week for Ashton and Kieron. I want to thank you all for your prayer, support, and well wishes throughout our whole journey. It has meant so much more to us than you will ever know. We love you all. Now to our update…

Trip Home and the Beach:
Our long trip home was just that, LONG! I thought we would never get home. When we arrived at the TriCities Airport on Thursday night, July 6, we were greeted by such a beautiful sight! Ashton and Kieron, along with my parents, and such sweet dear friends were there to welcome Reagan home. The airport was packed full of people! We felt so blessed to have such wonderful friends! Reagan was very scared and very shy. She would cry when people would talk to her. The last time she was brought into a room full of people, she was taken away from everything she knew and was given to us. When we got home, she was scared of the twins and our cats and dogs. She would cry when they talked to her. We were only home one week before we headed to the beach with my family. The beach was great! Reagan loved the water and was able to get to know her sisters better and also her extended family. We had a great time with my sister and her family, my brother, my parents, and all of my cousins and my aunt and uncle. We had so much fun, and all three girls got so tan! 3 brown babies!

The Latest:
Reagan now loves her big sisters so much and will play with us at the house without me or Sean in the room, but she will not let us out of sight and reach when we are elsewhere. She is all recovered from her pneumonia now and is doing very well. She has gained some much needed weight with the new formula she is now on. It is formula that they give to low birth weight babies and is high in calories. We mix it with rice cereal and Pediasure. We are going to eventually switch to all Pediasure. She looks so good and healthy now. Her hair has even gotten thicker and shiny. Reagan is still having a lot of trouble eating solids. We have tried everything, but she is very picky and spits it all out. We have tried chocolate, ice cream, ice pops, suckers, applesauce, etc. She won’t eat anything other than her formula with rice cereal added in a bottle and now Cheerios. We are so excited that she is eating them! We have tried to even give her formula with a spoon to get her used to a spoon, but she just gags. She doesn’t know what to do with it! She will be getting some speech therapy to help her with her eating and will work with the Infant/Toddler program to help her with her fine motor skills. She is almost walking though. She takes 3 or 4 steps at a time and then squats down. I think that she could walk, but she just doesn’t have the confidence yet.

Life is so great with her. She sleeps so well at night and takes good naps during the day. She is such a happy baby, and she really doesn’t get cranky. I love seeing her interact with the girls! They are teaching her so much. She says mama, dada, bye-bye, and cat. She also plays peek-a-boo, claps when she is proud of herself, blows kisses, chases the cats, and blows raspberries on the twins’ bellies. We are truly blessed and couldn’t be happier. God has given us a wonderful family, and we give Him all the glory. We will do another update in a few weeks or so. Thank you for checking in on Reagan and thanks for your patience in our updating! We will not take so long the next time! We love you all and God bless!

Reagan at the beach with Ashton and Kieron.

"Am I cool or what?"

Reagan in her white dress at the beach.

The girls walking on the beach together.

Another picture of our 3 sweet girls on the beach.

Our 3 angels sitting on the step of the beach house.
I didn't realize until later that Ashton was in the sun on all of the pictures,
so she is squinting! Sorry, Ashton - Mom isn't a very good photographer!

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