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In China
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Monday, November 29, 2010

As I write this, Grace is snuggling on the bed with ‘baba’. We were taken to the Civil Affairs Office for 2:30 p.m. and had to complete some more paper work. There were 2 other American families in the same room also waiting for their children. Just before 3, ‘Rong Rong’ (as her nannies call her) was brought in and told her mama and baba were here. At first she was more keen on Mike holding her but did warm up to me! She did fine in the room but started to get upset as we left the building. She enjoyed cheerios on the way back to the hotel but started crying again as we came in to the lobby. She cried hard for about 45 minutes, eventually crying herself to sleep. She now seems to be rousing.

This little girl has been through so much and we are expecting many more hours of tears, may be days. Today alone, she’s been on a 3 and a half hour train journey and thrust into the arms of strangers who cannot understand what she is saying. So, please continue to pray for her. We have been told she is ‘very clever’ and ‘cries a lot’ so not being understood must be very frustrating. As heart breaking as the tears sound, all the adoption books we read tell us that they are a good sign – that she is grieving the life she knew and is therefore capable of attachment. You can only imagine what must be going through her head. She came to us wearing all the clothes she owns and is refusing to let us take her coat off so may be a bath and PJs are not on the menu tonight. We were not able to ask the nannies questions today but will meet with them tomorrow. We are most concerned to know about her eyesight. She holds her head at strange angles, as if she is only able to see in certain positions. Touch seems to be very important to her so we are thinking that she has very poor near sight (which is what we were told).

Please pray for this little girl to soon know she can trust us. Please enjoy the pictures!

Thanks for all your love and support, Margaret and Mike

Here she is!

Fun with "Baba"

More hugs

One of many kisses

What a long day

Sleeping with her coat on

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