In China
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February 14, 2012
LORD, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your
name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous
things, things planned long ago."
Isaiah 25:1
"Sometimes, the everyday routine of my life feels so
normal to me. At other times the idea of raising all these
children seems like quite a daunting task. I realize that
since I have chosen an unusual path it is easier for
outsiders to look at my life and come to the conclusion
that it is something extraordinary. That I am courageous.
That I am strong. That I am special. But I am just a plain
girl from Tennessee. Broken in many ways, sinful and
inadequate. Common and simple with nothing special about
me. Nothing special except I choose to say "yes." "Yes" to
the things God asks of me and "yes" to the people He
places in front of me. You can too. I am just an ordinary
person. An ordinary person serving an extraordinary God."
(Kisses From Katie pg. 118)
Last Day In China/
Travel to Hong Kong
And oh, it is so bittersweet. We have thoroughly enjoyed
our time here in China. We are missing our 4 at home
though, and are looking very forward to wrapping our arms
around them! They've been in excellent hands with Bill's 2
sisters and his mom. I've not worried a bit. The Aunties
arrived with cars packed full of goodies and activities,
science experiments to do, and the like. We've had 2 furry
friends at the house, too. The kids were delighted to have
Sassy and Sadie come for a visit! AC's day was made when
she was treated to a milkshake during a lunch at Chick Fil
A. Aunties are such fun! Mommies watch their pennies more
carefully. Anyway, she deemed the "milkshake day" as her
BEST day ever! Thank you so much, Aunt Linda, Aunt Deanne,
and Grandma H! You made our time away such fun for our
children. You've kept them so busy and having such fun
that I don't think they even thought much about our being
away. And we didn't have to worry about them at all. Your
help with the littles has played a huge role in helping us
to bring Ellie home. And we are SO appreciative. Just one
more sleep and we will be HOME!
Our day today began with me waking up not feeling very
well. I had a minor sore throat yesterday, and figured I
was coming down with a cold. Instead of waking up with
cold symptoms, though, I awoke with a VERY sore throat and
swollen glands, which felt a like lot strep. I did not
want to take any chances, so Bill asked the hotel
concierge where we could get a prescription locally, and
there happened to be a hospital within walking distance of
the hotel, so off we set! We took our lives into our hands
as we played frogger going across 2 major streets to get
where we were going. I told Bill that the plan was this:
to find some Chinese people that were crossing the street,
and walk with them! It proved to be a good plan, and we
made it safely across. We got to the hospital, located the
pharmacy section and walked out with a couple of boxes of
Amoxicillin for $1 a box. Bill asked how many boxes I
wanted, and I teasingly told him to buy a case! :) Mission
accomplished. Walking through the hospital was quite the
experience, I must say. Makes me thankful for our
healthcare in the US. We also stopped on the way back and
bought a couple dozen of those little oranges that Ellie
so loves. We'll see how far we're able to travel with
them. They've been a lifesaver, I must say. Also, I think
Ellie gets the bulk of her liquids from those, as she's
still not big on drinking much. On the way home we stopped
at McD's for lunch. Yes, after braving the traffic and the
hospital, we settled on "easy" for lunch.
We were fortunate to be able to delay our checkout time
'til 4:00 today, so we came back to the room and napped
Ellie while we finished up with the packing. At 4:30 we
met our guide downstairs, and she delivered Ellie's visa
so we were good to go! Next we hopped on a bus and headed
to Hong Kong. The bus really has been convenient for us.
It picked us up right at the Marriott Hotel and delivered
us to the Hong Kong Airport Marriott Hotel. Very easy.
Ellie did great on the bus ride, as you can see from the
photos. When we arrived at our hotel, we fed her dinner in
the room, and she went right down to sleep. I cannot
believe what a flexible baby she is. I'm hoping she will
remain that way on our flight home tomorrow! |

Outside the Hospital Pharmacy

Meeting Ronald in China

On the Bus to Hong Kong

Silly Girl!

Playing "Peek" with the Curtain

LOVE Her Smile!
And as I sit
here at the hotel tonight in Hong Kong,
in the same lounge where I satthat very first night, only
10 nights ago, yet it feels like a lifetime ago, I feel
such a sense of contentment and peace. That first night
was filled with great excitement, but also some anxiety,
fears and doubts. What are we doing???? How would Ellie
do? Would she accept our love and comforting? Would she
begin to attach? Would she sleep? (keepin' it real, here)
A hundred unanswered questions swirled through my mind.
And now here we are on the other side, and those questions
have been answered. She's done REALLY well. She does
accept my love and comforting. She is showing all the
signs of attaching well. And yes, my girl SLEEPS! I know
our "process" is not over yet. I know there will be bumps
along the road. Jet lag to overcome. Siblings to get used
to. A daddy to learn to trust. But my heart is assured
that it is good. All is well. And that we will be able to
navigate any rough waters that lie ahead. Together. As a
I also reflect tonight on God's faithfulness. He called.
We questioned. Oh, yes, we did! "BUT our hands are full.
BUT our house is full. BUT our finances are stretched. BUT
we are not getting any younger." And then God assured us.
Very clearly. He showed us beyond any shadow of a doubt
that SHE was His plan for us. We stepped forward. In
faith. And we obeyed. NOT in our own strength, because the
glory belongs to HIM alone. But in HIS. He has given us
all we've needed for this trip. And I know he will
continue to meet any needs that arise in the future. He
has entrusted US (a very imperfect and inadequate US) with
FIVE precious children from China. I can hardly believe
it. "ME." These children have BLESSED us. And He has
BLESSED us. Beyond what we could have ever imagined. He is
faithful. Our God is so very faithful.
So this is my last post from China. In the morning we will
head home.
"Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, and grace will
bring me home." (lyrics from Amazing Grace)
Full circle and complete. Amen. |
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