February 12, 2012
I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give
you a hope and a future." Jer. 29:11
"I have to feed her, clothe her, care for her, and love
her unconditionally as I tell her that I love her. Once
she can understand and see my love, I can begin to tell
her about a savior who loves her even more. That is the
truth for these children- that they are loved, that they
are valuable, that they will not be left as orphans, but
that they have a plan and a hope for the future. What a
beautiful truth." (Kisses From Katie pg.90)
Greetings from Guangzhou!
Our time here is winding down. It hit me as I typed "Day
9." Only 2 more full days in China. My heart is hurting
knowing that it will be a number of years before we return
again. I've been trying to soak it all in on this trip.
And I really believe I have. Our time here has been so
relaxed and stress free, that I feel like I've been able
to really take the time to notice the details. The sights,
the sounds, the smells, the people.
Ok, on to our day~ First off, Bill has turned the corner!
The antibiotics are doing their job and prayers have been
answered. He's feeling much, much better and sounds a
whole lot better, too.
I have to say that I am missing the WONDERFUL breakfast
buffet here at the China Hotel, but since it's just Bill
and myself (and of course little Ellie) we've chosen to
eat upstairs in the executive lounge since we can eat
without paying. It's very good, but it's just not the same
as the downstairs spread. Anyway, we headed upstairs for
breakfast this morning and enjoyed a nice meal. Ellie has
such a good appetite, and enjoyed her scrambled eggs,
oranges, watermelon, broccoli, and pumpkin cooked with
pork. Although she eats very well, it is difficult for me
to get enough liquids into her. She doesn't really want to
drink from her bottle, but then she doesn't really like
the sippy cup either. She'll take few sips out of my cup,
but it just doesn't seem to be enough. She has wet
diapers, though, so I guess it is enough....
After eating we hailed a cab and headed to the island for
a morning of shopping. This used to be SUCH a fun time for
Emily and me on past trips, but I have to say that this
time, I'm just not very into it. I've seen all this
"stuff" three other times, and honestly it's lost it's
luster. However, we do choose small items for each of our
children to give them on their gotcha anniversary each
year. So, I had a mission and we moved forward. We were
able to find a few things, but I've still not finished
with the shopping, so we'll need to head back one more
time. After shopping we ran to Lucy's to get Ellie a bowl
of chicken congee for lunch, since she really enjoyed that
yesterday, and that also gave Bill and I a chance to sit
down and enjoy a cold drink. Afterwards, we hopped in a
cab and headed back to the hotel so Ellie could nap before
Some observations regarding the island~ I KNOW there are a
lot of adoptive families here right now, BUT we were the
ONLY ones that I saw shopping today. And we were the only
adoptive family in Lucy's today while we were there,
though yesterday it had been full of adoptive families.
Several shop owners told us that we were their first/ only
customers today. They said since the White Swan has been
under renovation, their business has dropped off
dramatically. We noticed at Jordon's that his shop size
has been cut in half. He said that he's having to give up
part of his space since his business is down. Makes me
sad. We saw many more Chinese people out strolling and
enjoying a fairly mild day than we have in the past. Lots
of fashion photography was going on. Tai Chi, badminton,
and the like. And although the WS is closed, they've left
the lobby open and there were A LOT of Chinse families
strolling through looking at the fish, the waterfall,
dining, etc. We did not see any other adoptive families
walking in the lobby. It's just a different feel on the
island from days past. Times are a changin' I guess.
After waking Ellie from her nap (have I mentioned that
she's a REALLY good sleeper????) we hopped in a cab and
headed back to the island for dinner with our good friends
the I--- family, who are bringing home a sweet baby girl
just a couple of months older than Ellie. It was such fun
for Bill and I to join them and their SIX children at the
Cow and Bridge restaurant. We were in GZ with them in July
'10 when they were adopting their two boys, and we were
bringing home Grace and Charlie, so it was fun for us to
see their boys again. I do have to say I don't think I've
laughed so hard since we've been in China. The commotion
with all their children made me feel right at home! And
maybe just a tiny bit glad that ours are at home with
Grandma and the Aunties during this trip. Thanks, for
joining us, friends. We had a great evening!
Now I'm off to pop Ellie in the tub before putting her to
bed. Only 3 more sleeps 'til we are headed home! |

Stopping to Smell the Flowers

Smiling by the Waterfall

Walking Across the Bridge

Dinner with Friends

Outside Cow and Bridge

Two Daddy's Girls~ Not! |