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About Zoe

Our Dossier went to China 16 May and they received it 22 May. So now we are anxiously waiting for that call from our agency telling us we have Travel Approval. Although it is so hard to wait, we know that it is all in God's timing and that is best. To fill our time we are keeping busy preparing for our trip to China. I have enjoyed shopping for the gifts we will bring to the orphanage but have not enjoyed the 5 shots I had to get. I think I make the shot ladies laugh every time I go to get a shot because I am such a wimp!!! I just keep reminding myself this is for Zoe and take lots of deep breaths and then I always get to pick out a sticker for being a big girl!!

I want to thank all the ladies at my aerobic class that so graciously donated to our garage sale!!! It was a success and we were able to raise $412.00 for our travel expenses. I have also started working on Zoe's 100 good wishes quilt. Thanks to all of our friends and family for the beautiful fabric! I will post a picture of the finished quilt. In May we got to welcome our dear friends home from China with their sweet little Sophie. As soon as Zach saw Stefanie with Sophie in her arms he said "momma I wish that was Zoe." Zach and Bailey are so excited to finally get their little sister. Often times I over hear them talking about what they want to do with Zoe when she gets here. She is a lucky girl to have a big brother and sister that love her so dearly already.

Our agency got us in touch with a family traveling to our orphanage in the beginning of May, to adopt twins. I emailed them a picture of Zoe before they left for China and asked them if they saw her if they could take some pictures for us. On May 9th they did get to visit the orphanage and meet our sweet little Zoe. They thoughtful brought her a little yellow dress and took several pictures and 2 videos for us! As I watched the videos and scanned the pictures I just cried tears of joy. Our little Angel looks like she is well taken care of and loved by her foster Mom. I also cried tears of sadness because I want to be the one holding her in my arms and whispering in her ear "I love you." Thank you Uecker family for the priceless gift!

Please continue to pray for us as we await our travel approval. I am reminded daily of this verse . . .

"Do not be anxious about anything but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

Zoe and her new dress

Our Zoe girl!

Zoe and her foster mom

Garage Sale Bargains!!!  Any buyers?

My sweet Stefanie and Sophie!

Stefanie and Sophie's welcoming committee

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