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We're Home
December 2015  |  June 2015

June 2015

A lot has happened since December and are last update. Hope has had many firsts over these months and has grown so much.

In January she started daycare while I went back to work three days a week. She really transitioned nicely and seems to like it.

Her vocabulary is amazing. She says everything and already knows her colors, shapes, and some of her letters. She enjoys reading books, playing with her siblings and cuddling with mommy. Her biggest growth has been with her dad. It took her five months to get comfortable with him and now will seek him out. We also got good news that she doesn't have the Special needs China had in her file. All her tests have come back negative. Her biggest struggle still is with night terrors and these are slowly getting better.

This will be our final update to Hope's Journey. You can visit our family blog at www.toourlittlegirl.blogspot.com.

Also some BIG news! We are going back to China one more time! We were matched with a little girl from the same SWI as Hope in January. We are reusing our Dossier and will hopefully be traveling around October! So Faith's Journey is coming soon!

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