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Trip to China
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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We leave tomorrow morning at 6:00 am local time. We are ready to come home, but we have gained so much while we were here. I hope that someday Addison will ask questions about where she is from, about what it was like when we were her picking her up. Via this website we will have some answers to those questions, but there is no way one can really appreciate what we’ve experienced through words and pictures. Therefore, we will come back someday so that she can experience it for herself!

We are taking Addison from her home land of China – with that said, I hope that she comes to be proud of where she came from, proud of her people, proud of her biological mother and father that had to give her up. I hope that I can be a father as good as my own was to me. I hope that there is someway to show her the unconditional love that I already have for her. I hope. . .

For those of you with a “bucket list,” I anticipate that it includes a trip to China. There are so many things to do, see, and experience that it truly is hard to explain. Such things as: the Chinese people in general, their customs, their various modes of transportation, their food, their work ethic and what seems to be a general stress free manner in the way they go about life; the Great Wall; the Forbidden City; the back alley living quarters and the apartment life in the city; not to mention the shopping on Shamian Island – Jen’s loving it! And there are so many things that we have yet to experience, or better yet - couldn’t take the time to experience in a trip such as ours that it makes me wonder how long it would actually take to get in the full experience of China?

I’m sure there are many, many things that we’ve missed, but even with what we have done it has been truly something that shouldn’t be missed out on in one’s life if you don’t already have it on your bucket list!

Jen here – I have to put my two cents in!

We have tenderly loved Addison’s every expression and action here in China. Each day she has shared with us more of her personality. She has been willing to roll with the flow, and always be on the move. Each snuggle with Addison, each giggle and grunt with her is like you won the lottery!

Tonight when we were coming home from dinner (again at Lucy’s) we stopped at a store for one more item – Addison’s oil painting. The lady at the store, has gotten to know Addison, and wanted her to come to her. She put her hands out to take her from Jason, but Addison quickly grabbed onto Jason and held on tight. When Addison did this, Jason not only absorbed, and loved it, but the world around him actually stopped. As we turned to leave the shop he stopped in the middle of the street and said to me, “Wow, did you see that, what a feeling, she came to me for safety, that makes me so happy!”

I feel that we see deeper into her, more than we knew possible. We know that she feels safe with us, and will come to us when she is scared, sad and happy! And this connection, this relationship that is starting with us, this feeling is the reason why we are here in China! We’re here to pick up our daughter for life! It is what matters, above anything else. I pray for each of you to feel this when you hug your child the next time, or bring your child home from a far away country.

We have been folded into five other families! We have come to love all of Addison’s sisters. They all have their own personalities! We hope to watch as these little girls grow into young ladies. There is also a greater hope: One day our daughter may find within this little band a soul mates with whom to share her feelings for the unknown family left behind.

Our next post will be when we return home. Ah, the comforts of home. We are looking forward to getting back to life, even though it will no longer be what we were used to. It will be better! A lot more busy, but so much more fulfilling. The story and life of Addison is just starting for us. She is a sweet little girl with the warmest smile. I’m looking for the words to sum up our journey to Addison, but there is no way for us to completely explain this life changing trip we’ve been on.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support!

Jason, Jen, and Addison.

The famous Red Couch picture!

Addison wanted a solo shot on the Red Couch

One happy family!

One last group photo opportunity of Addison's forever family, nice to see that Addison wasn't paying attention!

Gotta love pink!

Ta ta for now, see you all soon!

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