

Day 1

Days 2-4
A 15-hour MRI and the Glass Wall Hong Kong Bathroom!

Day 5
Refusing squat potties

Days 6-7
Whoops, the trunk won't close

Days 8-9
"Hip, Hip, HUBEI! Only 1 more day!"

Day 10

Days 11-12
Behind the Hokies

Days 13-14
A visit to Elizabeth's finding spot, and the path her birth mother took that day...

Days 15-16
The 'Finding Ad' and leaving her Province

Days 17-18
Ni Hao from Guangzhou!

Days 19-20
Last days in her homeland through a little girl's eyes

Days 21-22
I'm Coming Home

Day 23
We have arrived!!!!!!

John Meets Elizabeth

First Month as a Family of 4

Special Update

The past 1.5 years

Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

O  C  T  O  B  E  R    2  1  -  2  2

Dave and I want everyone to know how very much we appreciate all the e-mails, and guest book messages on our site. These are so very precious to us, and we are going to print the guest book messages out for Elizabeth to someday know how many people (many whom we have never even met) were upholding all of us in prayer on the other side of the world. Even though we have not been able to respond to all of them, please know we are reading every word and how much they are meaning to us.

Navigating the Hong Kong metro maze was interesting to say the least. The way people live their daily lives here in this quaint little village of 8 million is fascinating. Much like other metropolitan cities, the Hong Kong metro was relatively easy to use. The hardest part was deciding whether or not to get the "octopus' pass ;)

We ventured out of hotel taking the metro to Central Hong Kong, and then catching a taxi to Stanley Market which sits on top of a Cliff overlooking the bay and the City. It is a beautiful little street once again filled with local wares.

Driving up the narrow two lane road was an experience in itself. I had forgotten that Hong Kong automobiles are like Europe. (Driver is on the right) and this really plays with your head on a curvy narrow road with a steep drop off on one side. When we left,  we decided to take a double decker bus back down that narrow road, and there were some points when the bus was barreling around a curve, and had to slam on breaks, and back up so another double decker bus could pass. Yikes. I understand mainland China is even worse.

We got back to the hotel late, and began packing for the move today to our agencies hotel the Regal Riverside in another part of Hong Kong. I woke up through out the night and could tell I was coming down with something. Nothing major, but fever, body aches, bad cough etc.. so I am opting out of the group tour tomorrow and will use the time to attempt to rest and hopefully throw off whatever this is before we get Elizabeth. I think Dave is going to go with the other families, mainly to get to know them as we have already seen many of the areas that are on the 'group tour'.
My incredibly wonderful husband is hailing a taxi to a drug store as we speak in an attempt to convey to a non-english speaking clerk that we need cough medicine. With the SARS problem, anyone with 'symptoms' can be "quarantined" by the Chinese Government. The pollution here is indescribable, and that has not helped matters.We brought some with us, but didn't count on getting sick so early in the game and it's going fast.

 We priced out doing laundry at our latest hotel and it was going to cost over $70 to do it here! So off Dave went into the Hong Kong night on a mission carrying a backpack full of dirty laundry. What a guy~!

Dave here: I just got back from my 'mission' and, while I was able to procure cough/cold meds, I was unsuccessful in my quest for a chinese laundry (a bit ironic, don't you think?)  It appears that we will be sending a few essential items to the hotel laundry and saving the bulk of it to do in Wuhan.

It turns out that, according to one of the better english speaking locals, I was in "The world's largest shopping mall".  There was a grocery store in the mall that made a Super Wal-mart look like a 7-eleven, which, by the way were also quite numerous.  I counted no less than 4 of them in my wanderings.

Well, it has been a long day and our exciting tour (sic.) gets an early start.  So, it is time to get some sleep.

Dave and Sue

A near miss - and yes - it was just a blur

Even the graveyards are high rise

They're everywhere

Looking out from Regal Riverside Hotel room

View from the top deck of a bus

This used to close before our visits to the market.


Note to John
Mommy and Daddy love you and miss you so much. It looks like you are having lots of fun with Aunt Gail and Uncle Jerry! Aunt Gail says you are being a very good house guest and we are very proud of you. We love you 10,000 bushels!

Back on the homefront,
John helps Aunt Gail bake her yummy pound cake.

John in Uncle Jerry's cool play room.

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