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About Cole

On February 1, 2006, little Cole was born. Five months later he was found in the hall of a public building. He was left with a bag that had a note with his birthday, some clothes, milk powder, and money. After an unsuccessful search for his parents, he was taken to the local orphanage where he was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease (TGA, VSD, and a Pulmonary Artery Defect). His condition was quite serious and he was taken to New Day Foster Home. Two surgeries in January of 2007 restored his health.

This is the most recent update we have received on our precious Cole:

Cole is 2 Years 10 Months Old. This report was written by Cole’s foster mother:

Cole is a cute boy who attends preschool at the foster home. He is a great eater. He has gained some weight this month and looks healthy. He enjoys playing with his toys and is fond of playing with others. He knows how to take care of his little brother and is quite helpful! He loves being praised when he does something praiseworthy. He has a good sense of right and wrong and will correct his behavior immediately after being told he is doing something wrong. All of his teachers consider him to be a serious and sensible boy, and he never drives me crazy! He is such a good boy!

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