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In China
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

We had Callie’s consulate appointment this morning , where we delivered all of the paperwork we’ve been collecting throughout our adoption journey in order to apply for Callie’s visa to go home. Our guide should pick it up sometime tomorrow, I think. Her swearing in ceremony was a bit different from Maili’s, since we were in a smaller room than last time with about 12 families instead or 30. We were the 2nd family called so we got in and out fairly quickly.

We had arranged with our guide to go to the Safari Park Zoo after that, but the kids were already getting cranky and it was only 10:30 in the morning. So we decided instead to postpone the zoo and return to the hotel in order for everyone to get some much needed rest and a better attitude. It would appear that we made the right decision, since it is now almost 4:00 PM and they are all still sleeping ( naptime started before noon today)!

So, since I don’t have much to share from our exciting day I will share instead some of the things we have learned about Callie so far:

• She answers easily to Callie but still refers to herself as Allie

• She has a deep, raspy little giggle that is so infectious you can’t help but join in

• She has a wicked sense of humor and cracks herself up imitating Maili and Holt. She can mimic Holt perfectly and it often sounds as though we have an echo in the room

• Like Maili, she has her own little term for passing gas. It sounds like BZZZZT. As in, “ Allie BZZZZT” This one is always accompanied by lots of giggles

• She adores all things girly and pink and she loves jewelry and hair accessories, the more the better. She begs daily to get her ears pierced.

• She is a very fast learner; she has already learned all of the signs and words from the Signing Time videos we brought, and when she can’t remember the word she will use the sign to get her point across.

• Her Chinglish is comical at times; she was insisting in Chinese that Holt take a nap, to which he replied “ Holt BU shu jou” ( Holt no sleep) her response: “ Holt YESSSSS bu shu jou. Right NOW”

• She may be tiny, but she’s feisty. This girl is a diva with a BIG personality. No need for us to worry about her getting stepped on or overlooked because she’s so small. She makes her presence and her opinions known. And she has VERY definite opinions.

• She has known love, and knows how to give it. We had been concerned about her ability to give and receive affection in the beginning, having spent the vast majority of her six years at the orphanage. This is so not the case. We fully expected that those were things that we would have to teach her, as we did with Maili. Not so with this one. She freely gives hugs, kisses, and snuggles, and seeks us out to get more, often stopping what she’s doing to climb up in our laps and give us a spontaneous hug and peck on the cheek before going back to play. We are so grateful to her foster family and American orphanage volunteers for the love they showed to her in her early years; no doubt it is what has made all the difference.

• She has accepted us unquestioningly and unconditionally as her family from day one and we are still in absolute awe at the way she has begun to bond with us already. She gets along equally well with Maili and Holt and they truly enjoy each other’s company, which is more than we could have hoped for.

• She must have read all the attachment books before we picked her up, ha ha. All of the things you’re supposed to do to promote attachment in a newly adopted child are the things she initiates on her own. Feeding them from your spoon and sharing a snack together, making up silly songs to sing to each other using the child’s name, encouraging eye contact and sharing a laugh, making your own special bedtime rituals that you do together each night, she thrives on those things and looks forward to them. Maili and I have always had a little routine at night where I fill both of her hands with kisses and she puts some under her pillow and the rest of them in her heart. Last night bedtime was hectic and I forgot to give her the kisses. Callie came running into the room with her hands outstretched going “Mama, Nite Nite”. and pantomiming putting kisses in her hands. Such a sweetie.

• Although her file is an alphabet soup of scary medical terms, we have come to the conclusion that there is nothing at all wrong with her heart. It’s as big as all outdoors and it loves just fine. And we couldn’t ask for more than that.

These two never stopped dancing today

The three musketeers

Made for the stage

Holt is tired of this performance

Still dancing

Outside the hotel

Going out to dinner

Performing a song they made up

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