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In China
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today we opted out of a local tour with some of the group as we really wanted to shop for a few souvenirs and spend some time just enjoying each other’s company. Bryan and the kids played a hackey sack game and ping pong with another really fun family that has two of their older kiddos along with them. They really enjoyed meeting new people and playing some games.

The highlight of the day was our Swearing In / Oath Ceremony at the U.S. Consulate. It is in a room with about 50 families and by the time you reach this point in the journey, quite frankly, you are tired. You have paper-chased (prepared documents that are necessary and change the direction of a little person’s life), you have waited, you have given your heart over to a child, you have begun to develop hopes and dreams for your new child, you have traveled to a foreign land, you have left the comforts of your home and have asked your new child to do the same- but forever, you have begun to adjust as a new family, and you have endured much. When we arrived at this ceremony, just like with our other adoptions, we were sitting in a big room and an official U.S. Consular comes out and acknowledges all that you have overcome. It is a time to recognize the fight, the struggle and the hope for a new future. When I get to this point in the journey, I feel like the consular is saying, “Good job. You have worked hard.” And at that point, I felt a bit vulnerable, missing my kids at home and head over heels in love with little Bella. It was a tearful appointment. She commented that 66% of all U.S. adoptions from China this year are from the Special Needs Program. She also mentioned that adoptions were down to about a third of what they were in 2005. Wow! It is overwhelming to think of all of the orphans in the world and the fact that so many children will never know the love of a mother and father. However, today we celebrate because there is one less orphan in the world. Little Bella is chosen, she is loved and she is kept! Bella is now part of Team Wong and will be from here through eternity. To God be all the Glory!

Gymnastics Workout in the Park

High Bar Work-out

One of Bryce’s Favorite Spots to Eat

Travel Mate – Mack

Look Who is Standing

We Would Go to the Moon and Back for This Sweetie!

Tender Moments

Sweet Friendship

We Found Baby Sara from

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