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In China
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Friday, September 3, 2010

This morning we awoke and felt refreshed. After a shower and some breakfast, we met up with our group of travel buddies. George soon had us on our way. First, we went to the hutongs and had a rickshaw ride while taking in some of the history of Asian living. We met with a local family and learned about their long family history in the hutong. It was so interesting to hear about the daily living while visually taking in their home and their ways. It was especially fun for us to watch Dad and Bryce take in the sights. I have to say that each day we have been laughing and smiling and really enjoying each other.

After the hutong tour and the rickshaw ride, we headed to the silk factory. There we had a science lesson on the silk worm and how they make silk. It was very interesting and we really enjoyed the time we spent getting to know our travel mates as well. We belong to a very friendly group and you can’t help but bond with those that are also eagerly waiting during these final hours before we meet our children.

Next we went to a traditional lunch and thoroughly enjoyed Dai food (this is food that is characteristic of a specific peoples group). The food was delicious and there was a short show as well. After lunch, we got our first try at the squatty potty. No Western toilets could be found…therefore, squatty potty it was. Yes, I will spare you the details, but it involves squatting while pottying…no seats present.

Then we went to Tianmen Square and the Forbidden City. The views are exquisite and the history is rich. I focused hard on enjoying the moment while my mind continued to battle me. Thoughts of our children at home and thoughts of little Bella fought their way to the forefront of my mind.

We walked far today and laughed often. The day quickly drew to a close. We made our way back to our rooms to settle in for the night. I am sure the evening will bring wonderful dreams and memories will continue to be experienced. Enjoy the pictures.

Hutong Tour Rickshaw Ride

Enjoying the Sites

Beautiful sites

Tienman Square

The Forbidden City

Having fun with the signs

Is this Mental Cultivation?

Great beauty

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