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In China
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Since I posted so early yesterday, I have a couple new events to add from yesterday (May 27th) evening. Mama received her first kiss from Chloe!!! She is the sweetest little thing!!! And also she had her first experience with food other than her formula with rice cereal. She ate a few bites of Chinese soup when we were at lunch. She was so cute accepting food from a spoon. Then later she had a little baby food pouch that I brought from home and she loved it! Her first baby food was mango, banana, orange.

Today we took a trip to Chloe's orphanage, the Xuzhou Social Welfare Institute. To get there, we had to walk to the subway, then ride the subway to the bullet train (packed like sardines), then after the 1 1/2 hour train ride, we took 2 taxies and finally arrived. Her orphanage is new, only a year old. There are over 200 children there. We were greeted with special tea and then the Assistant Director gave us a tour. The older children were excited to see us. It was heartbreaking to see that there are still so many that need homes. This orphanage is only one of thousands in China.

Chloe's nannies were so glad to see her again. They greeted her with hugs and kisses and teared up. We were able to thank them for taking such good care of her. They replied "no need for thanks." They were happy to do it. We will never forget the experience of today.

"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." ~James 1:27

Yetzu with Nanny

Yetzu with another Nanny

Chloe's room

Lunch with the Assistant Director and Staff


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