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In China
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Friday-Saturday, June 24-25, 2011

Yesterday turned out to be another busy day; we met our guide at 10 and boarded a van to visit the finding site of the Terra Cotta Warriors and the factory /museum where the replicas are cast. We learned about how they were discovered by a farmer in the early 70’s after being buried two thousand years before they were found .We gave both of the kids cameras, and the pictures they chose to take were pretty interesting. Holt was only interested in the soldiers themselves, the excavation sites, and the weapons they used. Maili, on the other hand, was very meticulous and photographed every. single. display. in the whole museum. All of them. So instead of strolling down memory lane one day when we review the photos from the trip, we will be able to literally retrace EVERY step of the journey, thanks to our very thorough junior photographer. Meme would be proud.

After spending the day at the exhibit and museum, we went back to downtown Xi’an to what the guide promised was the premiere dumpling establishment in the city. It did not disappoint; before leaving we sampled dozens of dumplings with every filling imaginable. Some were absolutely delicious and others, not so much, but we tried them all and enjoyed the experience, Maili most of all. She has told us many times that what she misses most about China is the food, and she managed to consume an astonishing amount at that dumpling house. After sampling all of the dumplings, she proceeded to put away no less than THREE bowls of soup. The rest of us were too full to even touch the soup, but she was kind enough to help us out.

After dinner, our guide took us back to the train station, where we boarded an overnight train to Nanjing, which is the capital city of Callie’s province. Thankfully , the air conditioner actually worked on this one, and everyone fell asleep by 7 and slept all night. This train experience was much better than the last, with one notable exception: the infamous squatty potty. We have thankfully managed to avoid them thus far this trip, but our luck was bound to run out at some point .Maili managed to have a potty emergency right after the western toilet was closed for business for reasons unknown. Evidently , unlike riding a bicycle, some things just do not come back to you, or at least they didn’t for Maili.

Trying to figure out the logistics of how to squat, aim, and keep one’s clothing from touching the floor while lurching from side to side on a train would be almost comical if not for the fact that Maili chose that exact moment to drop the one precious roll of toilet paper we had brought with us ( yes, you must ALWAYS remember to bring your own. ALWAYS.) So I found myself holding up Maili with one hand, reaching for the elusive roll of toilet paper with the other while trying desperately to keep from falling into that disgusting hole in the floor as the train lurched from side to side and Maili giggled so loudly that the people down the hall must have wondered what on earth those crazy Americans were doing in there. Even funnier than that was when she had to help hold me up so that I could use it without falling in. Mother-daughter bonding moments for sure. But I digress..

At any rate, we survived the train ride and finally arrived in Nanjing this morning, where we are back to civilization. A hot bath and some room service, and we are feeling almost human again, if a bit sleepy. In fact, as I type this, everyone else is sound asleep, in spite of the fact that we all slept really well aboard the train. I hope everyone will be able to sleep tonight. If not, another midnight Oreo party will take place. Unfortunately, those have become the norm since we’ve been here. I have a feeling that by the time we adjust to China time, it will be time to go home. And we will have all gained 15 lbs. Except for Maili, who never gains an ounce, she just keeps getting taller. Callie will definitely have a big sister to look up to. Only two more days , we’re counting them down.

In Xi'an

Trying on hats at the local market

Learning how terra cotta warriors are cast

Original site of the Terra Cotta Warriors

At the museum

Holt at the dumpling house

Finishing her THIRD bowl of soup

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